Bisherige Stipendiat:innen:
077 Vasudha Kapadia (Indien)
076 Tania Gheerbrant (Frankreich)
075 Ivan Moudov (Bulgarian)
074 Jamie McGee (USA)
073 Etienne Dietzel (Deutschland)
072 Florian Wendler (Deutschland)
071 Daniela Flores Arias (Mexiko)
070 Addie Ulray (USA)
069 Maria Garcia Ibanez (Spanien)
066 Iris Blauensteiner (Österreich)
065 Veronica Casellas Jimenez (Venezuela)
064 Felipe Sáez Riquelme (Chile)
062 Leah Anderson (USA)
054 Carlos Fernandez (Costa Rica)
053 Roscha A. Säidow (Germany)
052 Anna Gielas (Germany)
051 Anne Posten (USA)
045 Franziska Becher (Germany)
043 Jeanne Gaigher (South Africa)
041 Matyáš Chochola (Czech Republic)
040 Michaela Roudnicka (Czech Republic)
039 Kosta Tonev (Bulgaria)
038 Jen Calleja (UK)
037 Xanthe Somers (South Africa)
036 Mohammad Namazi (Iran)
025 Adam Knight (UK)
024 Klaengur Gunnarsson (Island)
023 Elisa Tosoni (Italy)
022 Celeste Najt (Argentina)
#20 Félicia Atkinson (Belgium)
#19 Marguerite van Sandick (Netherlands)
#14 Anna Rosa Stohldreier (Germany)
012 Till Müller-Klug (Germany)
010 Agnieska Kozlowska (Poland)
009 Patricia Bucher (Germany/CH)
008 Alice McCabe (UK)
Die Performance-Künstlerin Alice McCabe lässt ihre Leidenschaft für den Dadaismus direkt in ihre Arbeiten einfliessen. So war sie in Zürich, wo die Brittin zur Zeit arbeitet und lebt, mit "The THERE-THERE School of English Dada" im Cabaret Voltair zu sehen und organisierte in der Station 21 ein "ENGLISH DADA BREAKFAST".
Aufenthalt im Freiraum: März-April 2011
The THERE-THERE school of English dada was started by Alice McCabe as a response to the lack of writing by the original Zurich dada crew about their English adversaries and fair country of Britain.
She is attempting to investigate whether it was the perversity of: English culture, community (age-old acceptance of eccentrics), use of language games and dialects, or individual sense of humour that prevented this radical arts movement being accepted on British shores. There is a clear indication that dada writings and publications where known to the Brits so it was an active non-acceptance on both parts: Britain rejected dada just as dada had no interest in Britain, till the PUNK movement….
As part of the W n W programme she used her time and attic space to prepare invitations for the uninvited guest of Prince William and Catherine to come to the Cabaret Voltaire and witness the holy union of the Royal Family (or Britishness) and dada, with due ceremonial POMP.